University of the Pacific Law Review

Volume 49, Issue 1 (2018) Symposium—Regulating Marijuana at Home and Abroad
Front Matters
Copyright Page
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Table of Contents
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Notes from the Editor-in-Chief
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Note from the Chief Technical Editor
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Symposium—Regulating Marijuana at Home and Abroad Introduction
Michael Vitiello
E/Insuring the Marijuana Industry
Francis J. Mootz III
Memo to Cannabis Regulators: The Expressions Hair Design Decision Does Not Limit Your Broad Authority to Restrict All Forms of Discounting
Leslie Gielow Jacobs
Comparative Cannabis: Approaches to Marijuana Agriculture Regulation in the United States and Canada
Ryan B. Stoa
Cannabis and Water Management: International Regulation and the Legal Framework of the European Union
Maria E. Milanes-Murcia
Phone Sweet Phone: The Future of the Private Search Doctrine Following Riley v. California
Isabella Blizard
“Do You Understand These Rights?” A Juvenile Perspective of Miranda
Albert G. Mendoza