University of the Pacific Law Review
Volume 37, Issue 4 (2006) Symposium: Sentencing Guideline Law and Practice in a Post-Booker World
Front Matters
Volume 37, Issue #4, Table of Contents
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Author Index
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Title Index
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Michael Vitiello
Slouching toward Booker and Beyond - The Court Embraces and Rejects the Role of Juries at Sentencing
Diane E. Courselle
Making Sense of Apprendi and Its Progeny
Erwin Chemerinsky
Prosecutorial Discretion in the Post-Booker World
Norman C. Bay
Under-Appreciated Value of Advisory Guidelines, The
Erica J. Hashimoto
Challenging Untested Facts at Sentencing: The Applicability of Crawford at Sentencing after Booker
Benjamin C. McMurray
White Collar Crime Sentences after Booker: Was the Sentencing of Bernie Ebbers Too Harsh?
Peter J. Henning
Restorative Justice in Federal Sentencing: An Unexpected Benefit of Booker?
Erik Luna and Barton Paulson
Observations: Sentencing Guideline Law and Practice in a Post-Booker World
Frank C. Damrell Jr.