University of the Pacific Law Review
Volume 35, Issue 3 (2004)
Front Matters
Volume 35, Issue 3, Table of Contents (2004)
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Code Sections Affected
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Bill Numbers
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Table of Chapter Numbers
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Business and Professions / Clarifying Authority: Closing the Loophole on Dangerous Drugs
Ryan M. Arnold
Business and Professions / Dealing with Dangerous Mix-ups: Descriptive Labels on Prescription Drugs
Ryan M. Arnold
Business and Professions / Licensing Alternative Approaches to Medicine: The Naturopathic Doctors' Act of 2003
Thomas R. Clark
Business and Professions / Chapter 277: California's Solution to Cyberfraud in the Political Arena
Denise Pereira
Civil / Chapter 338: Another New Law, Another SLAPP in the Face of California Business
Joshua L. Baker
Civil / Identity Theft Triggers Stricter Processing Standards for Credit Applications in California
Tate Davis
Education / California's Response to Lack of Business Ethics
Brian L. Coggins
Environmental Protection / Environmental Indicators: Formalized Monitoring in the Service of Environmental Justice
Eric Karl Roth
Health and Safety / Chapter 591: Ensuring "Continuity of Care" in a Group-Dominated Health Care Market
Thomas R. Clark
Health and Safety / Chapter 526: Out with the Old, in with the New - California Addresses the Growing Problem of E-Waste
Jennifer L. Fordyce
Health and Safety / It's High Time: California Attempts to Clear the Smoke Surrounding the Compassionate Use Act
Tammy L. McCabe
Health and Safety / Flaming Out: Will Chapter 481 Extinguish Agricultural Burning in the San Joaquin Valley?
Ben Nicholson
Labor / Chapter 484: The Strongest Whistleblower Protection Law in the Nation - Did We Need It, and Can We Really Afford It?
Joshua L. Baker
Labor / Businesses Beware: Chapter 906 Deputizes 17 Million Private Attorneys General to Enforce the Labor Code
Ben Nicholson
Penal / I Don't Remember Buying a $20,000 Stereo System: Chapters 73 & (and) 468 - An Attempt to Solve the Increasing Problem of Identity Theft
Christopher L. Brooke
Penal / Sealing the Record: Helping Rehabilitated First-Time Drug Offenders to Get Jobs
Gregory A. Forest
Penal / Chapter 700: "Too Dumb to Die" - Implementing the U.S. Supreme Court's Ban on Executing the Mentally Retarded
Anthony C. Williams
Tax Reform Interrupted: The Chaotic State of Tax Policy in 2003
Robert J. Peroni
Estoppel to Avoid the California Statute of Frauds
Philip H. Wile, Kathleen Cordova-Lyon, and Claude D. Rohwer