"April 1875, Glaciers, Dead Rivers, Sketches, Shasta Storms Image 3" by John Muir


John Muir


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2 [sketch: ice; neve; [side]

[sketch: ice; neve]

Had the coming on of the great spring or summer wh [which] killed the gls [glaciers] been more sudden or abrupt the summit peaks would have been left [less] sharp & the basins once the [wounds] of gls [glaciers] now the fountain treasures of river snow would have been [her] cap=across & less cool because the bottom would have been less eroded & consequently the [protection] from would be less perfect.

3 Nevertheless the climate change that broke up the glacial epock was sufficiently rapid to obliterate most of the gls [glaciers] whose wombs lay upon the south sides of mtns [mountains] almost at a [blurr/ blow] because we find little or no terminal moraine matter left in their upper [coura] The exaggerated steepness of the slopes is [are] [therefore] mostly confined to the north sides both of pks [peaks] & cans [canyons]. The little gilia tricolor is very fragrant 5 or 6 species in flower now on the dead gravel at Redding Fine purple phlox v [very] ab [abundant] along up Sacramento White iris Purple gilia v [very] ab [abundant] large Splendid orange Fritillaria White cyclobothra

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

