
The journey down through the [branch] margins of the [bay] to Sunol & up through the Livermore Pass v [very] delightful in April 22nd. Livermore Val. beautifully walled in with [finely] sculptured hills of every color. Cloud dappled. Here & there sycamore grove, stream sides luxuriantly [verdant] with hazel & azalea & [ ] The hills [in] mellow spring light more marvelously beautiful [Their] [ ] [ ] ever dreamed of The [land] plain cloth of gold [green] patched here & there with barly & wheat. Acres of orange escholzia [California Poppy] winds of water - not so glorious as winds of air - flow over [ ] bottom flowered more beautifully Finest plain in world Topography Physical Geography contains the max of simplicity with max of variety.
(gl) 1 The present gls [glaciers] of Sierra although occupying the positions of neves differ from neves of gl [glacial] period They are ice resembling ice of far lower portion of the glacier. They are as if a sec [section] of the gl [glacier] far below the neve were [segregated] from the mass & placed in an old [ ] where it could be fed by avalanche snow. Because the temperature of the [presal] head or neve portion of the gl [glacier] [was] is the same as a lower or ice portion of a [former] time & the transformation from snow to ice depends not upon the distance it has to flow but upon temp & pressure or rather upon climate & pressure. Gls [Glaciers] have been so little studied we are liable of falling into the error of measuring all by one standard.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist