
4 Dead River gravel seems to have covered all the plain was it the material used in filling up the plain when it was a [ ] inland bay & is it now being eroded along the sides of the plain [Thus] Has the [ ] as at [ ] been carried on at the expense of filling up at
[sketch: Sierra; A; B; Coast]
B That is did the forces wh [which] deposited the gravel leave it leaning against the foothills at a sufficiently steep angle to [admit] of its [being] denuded by water & redeposited farther out in the plain as it is being deposited at present time along with other detritis from the mtn [mountain]
5 Notwithstanding the dead gravel appears to have been deposited in river channels, it has also been laid down in immense sheets in the plain It seems to be universal from one end of the range to the other
Immense deposits at head of Sac [Sacramento] Valley seem to fill the whole up end. Sacramento cuts through it to a depth of 200 ft [sketch] The surface is eroded into [flowing] hill & dale but not so finely as farthe south because the gravel is here much coarser. Some of
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist