78 Dir of trib W side main crest S [s dome] is divided by small ridge [sketch] Yosem crk Ridge Largest lake of basin 1st green trib The [ primula of clds ] is abundant on divide of Mt. Hoff & Yosem Crk near W end of main Hoff trib
79 Junipers very ab [abundant] Back of Hoff ridges also quite large. Will spruces also especially in Lake hollow. There is the finest specimens & so ab as to form the principal timber. Cassiope covers the base slope of Mt Hoff on the N more common there than [bryanthus] or even carex. Vaccinium [dwarf] does much of the work of fastening loose glacial meal & coloring the younger rocks & meadows with purple transparent & delicate as that of dulse
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 7 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist