80 [Its] bells [too] or [ ] [rather] are exquisitely beautiful both in color & form lying in the plush grass or on the hard granite like colored hail new arrived from the sky. Carex at edges of melting snow just now opening in [flower] [6 at] 3 or 6 S also ferns & other mtneers [mountaineers] Juniper is the most silent of all the mtn [mountain] trees They allow us to pass them [by] without a word as if mere posts. They give not even a nod rigid as the
81 rock they stand [upon] Their trunks oftentimes broad as long cannot [wave] nor even shake & as for boughs they are short cropped & pressed densed by storm winds as if sheared like hawthorne hedges But it is not their incapacity for motion that forms their silence for their neighbors P [Pinus] flexilis & P [Pinus] contorta talk without motion & so also the king of pines Lambertiana It is true that the waving of pines is poetry & forms the spoken language of some [pines] as Ponderosa & the taller of Contorta
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 7 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist