
John Muir


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76 flies & bugs & weeds pure [ liquid ] burning white. Whirling like snow flakes of all sizes. Butterfly wonderfully impressive like a very angel flapping & flying. Same whiteness in winter in Yosem under same condition of position. Streia within doz yds of vert wall of Hoff W 1st glac stake 7 [ ] from end strikes [ ] blade at [ ] insertion above Gap E end Hoff range crest near [lilt] glac above Lake Hoff 1500. Gap is in front of main [damage, Dana Gl] Ice came over here!

77 Upper stake just exactly touches cord when wind does not blow. When wind blows 6 or 8 m per h[hour] then cord is 1/8 from stake. 12 small lakes seen N side Hoff 2 S. in yosem basin altogether 15 all small. Main crest Hoff S 6 [degrees] E . Nearly in range with Starr K passes lit to W of crest curves W lower top Hoff 10900. Crest & headlands of S Hoff curve westward as [ ] glac of [summit]position of headlands determine some extent the depth of said gls [glaciers]

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 7 x 15 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
