
beautiful of its race, branches very abundant and feathery, though prickly leaved. Seldom over 50 feet high. Children here have circular many roped swing, like the one in our Scotch playground. 7:30 At a station. This is a large timber yard, fine straight larch and pine, 30 or 40 feet long, 2 feet diameter, and trees square or semi-circular. August 9th Rainy. Temperature about 68. Elevation an hour above Irkutsk about 1500 - 200 for weather (?) The same trees since daylight. As approach Irkutsk, the forest has been cleared off save here and there a knotty rejected one seen rising above. Vigorous 2d growth. Irkutsk a large showy town on right bank of the Angara, a noble stream, ½ miles wide (?) clear slowly solemnly flowing. Islands in channel, railroad runs up left bank. Rock crumbling slates. Potentilla bush covers miles of river bottom, same as seen yesterday, and nearly same as New England species which is regarded as a week. Same heath-like plant yesterday. Aspen here and for several days back, and very abundant, different species. The Angara river banks mountainous as lake is approached. The larch very fine. The Baikal Lake shores mountainous and clearly glacial in sculpture, deep inlets, peaks, ridges, headland forested. All like Alaska fiord of largest size. The water very pure.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist