
or for the old and weak, or fathers and mothers with families. Saw fine yellow-flowered bush potentilla. From blue mountains 60 or 70 miles to the south. Hills and valleys or mountains always with us now. A good many rocky exposures seen since entering mountain and hill region, all so far friable slates and sandstones, accounting for abscissa of far traveled erratics. Patches of potatoes and rye. The gestures of larch in wind delightful in lovely enjoyment. The long arms waving slowly, the branches rippling in quick, cheery vibrations, sparkling in light, the whole tree solemnly waving. A larch forest pure with its white stems and branches and lightly fluttering, drooping leaves and branchlets has a strangely solemn effect. A brave tree, many broken or hurt with snow, pines also when young. Fern forests all day. Toulone, 1850 feet. 5:16 P.M. Between this and the last main station much of the ground has been closely pastured, showing old settlement before the railroad. The old town, Toulone, with its church is on the beautiful Oka, a branch of Yenesei. 6:30 P.M. Larches more and more beautiful and abundant. Second crop when not too close are most charming trees, far surpassing European species. Soil well drained. Here also the very finest spruce obovata. One of the most exactly
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist