
To Lake Lindemann. Round trip to Lindemann in 3 ds. Inds to Sheep Camp first day. [August] 22nd . Write short letter to Examiner. Start for Alaska on Queen about 3 P.M. Go up town to get letters. Telegraph home. Leave Victoria at 3 A.M. Aug 23. [August] 23. Glorious day, bright, breezy, spangly glow, bronze and green evening, rich rounded lobed landscape to continentward. This day pays all, said Canby. [August] 24th . Rain and shine, fog clds, fine effects; narrow channels, cascades, wonderful wealth of spiry trees growing close on sides of mtns however steep, busy clds, fine day. [August] 25th. Arrive at Wrangell. Rain in the morning; go bontanizing with Sargent and Canby, find Menzies and yel cedar and wild apple. Mr. Young concludes to go to Skagway as river steamer has gone up Sheldon and won’t be back for week. Sail up coast thro’ Wrangell narrows, saw mid gl of Sun Dum; cl, few bogs here and at Stickeen; mouth Stickeen mud green water many miles. Arrive at Juneau evening; rain. Great developments at Douglas island; several new mills; number of Treadwell stamps being doubled; ground sluicing foundation for new mill. ½ million profit from Treadwell alone per yr, 10 million taken from this one mine; profitable developments in many other parts of SE Alaska. Berner’s Bay, Sun Dum, Silver
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist