"August-September 1897, Trip with Sargent and Canby to Alaska Image 15" by John Muir


John Muir


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Sargent and Canby got back. [August] 19. Puttering around Victoria [August] 20. Arrive at Port Townsend evening; fine sail, but clds hide mtns and sky. Got to the Delmonico Hotel, kept by a jolly Dane, a Captain long in the employ of the Alaska Commercial Co. Was very accommodating and confidential. [August] 21. Got out into the woods by way of the P T S P Rr 19 ms to see tall trees. Had only 2 hrs or so in logging camps and of course saw nothing extraordinary in the way of giant timber but heard much; 450 and 500 ft trees. 4 men 10 days 3000. Dyea 50 ms and 28 - Skag. 6 ms bottom, gradual ascent 3 ms, 6 ms nearly level to sheep camp, 3 ms to summit, ¾ of m very steep rock zigzag, 2 - ¼ ordinary. ¼ of m down on ice to GL Lake 1 m wide, ferriage ½ cent, carry ½ m to mud. Lake five ms l, ferriage 2 cents, carry 2 ms to small lake 1 m l?

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

