
[Here] [this] [curious] little pine seemed at home. bright green healthy foliage erect, straight & quite handsome. Crowded with yellowish incurving cones whorled around the trunks & larger branches. Cones 4 to 5 inches l [long]. The douglas here [is in] canon [we] went up to Arrowhead Basin grade very steep in spots & [desperately] dusty like chalk. Alder maple walnut willow styrax dumosa gold cup agrifolia [wirlizeni] oaks. Arrived at San Berdardino at 7.15. 24th started for Hemmet [Hemet] station [near] San Jacinto arrived at 3.40? & [lodged] the evening [away] or nearly so. 25th Started for Strawberry Valley at 6.30 Col. Mayborn with us Pinchot, Abbott Sargent, arrived at [Hemmet] Dam 2 m [miles] Here lunched. Then to Thomas Ranch in broad spacious mtn [mountain] val [valley] with large regular lat [lateral] mors [moraines] stretching [out] into the val [valley] from [jaws] of gl [glacial] amphitheatres [v] [very] clear traces of gl [glacial] action especially mors [moraines] & sculpture enormous deposits stratified drift towards mouth of canon
Trees are doug [douglas] sp [spruce] many with cones, one specimen drooping [sketch] This species on San Jacinto & San Bernardino mostly in cans [canyons] & ravines some as low as 2400 ab [above] sea up to 5000 mostly 3500 to 4000. [sketch] Thomas married to Ind [Indian] woman has 7 to 800 cattle wh [which] pasture here the year found. 18 [m h] [miles high] snow occasionally get no hay go into brush during storms. Alt [altitude] val [valley] 5000 ft or little more. He has been here 35 yrs. [years]. Yel [yellow] pine mostly large coned bluish long & stiff rough leaved variety – Jeffrey. This is the principal tree from 4 to 5000 ft. A few Coulteris near the dam a few sugar at 5000 or higher & concolor. Found a new bush or small tree adenostema [adenostemma] with yellowish flaky bark a little like Manzanita in [branch] & trunk but [herbaceous] like small tufted lvs [leaves] & branchlets like [linosyris] or some other [composition] but it is [not] an adenostema Fine oaks chrysolepis agrifolia dumosa [wirlizeni] etc.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist