"August-September 1896, Forest Field Studies Image 19" by John Muir


John Muir


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21st Sep. Returned to Visalia arrived at 4.45. Lunched at Three Rivers at orchard place. Canal being built here. Left for Goshen at 6.10. Took train for Los Angeles at 7.30. Had supper at 8.30 arrived at Los Angeles Sep. 22 or 21st rather at 7.30. Had good visit with Lummis at home 15 Forest Ave then introduced to Graves O. Malveney who took us to lunch at fine club house. When we met Mr. Harvey Invited us to go to Creel Club House in San Gabriel Canon. Conclude not to go. Start for San Bernardino at 6.30 arrive about 8.30 go to Hotel Stuart a [good] one. Visit office of Water Co. referred to Col. Wood at Squirrel Inn who welcomed us & showed 22nd [every] attention. Gave us good rooms in his cedar lined cottage & showed maps & statistics of rainfall & drainage basins etc. The Col. [colonel] was the prime mover in the establishment of this San Bernardino Reserve. He is alive to value [at] forest protection.

No fear of this reserve being destroyed. The drive 4 ½ hrs to the Inn. First 4 ms [miles] or more of Sand with [Eriogonum] & Audibertia Then into rocky mor [moraine] & wash of flood of Watermans Canon the hills up to 2500 or more clothed chiefly with Adenostima [Adenostoma] First conifer is douglas – gray long outreaching arms like sugar p [pine] only upturned at tips. V [very] picturesque, cones large may be distinct species. Grows up to about 4500 then stops abruptly, only in canons & parkland sheltered slopes. At top of dividing ridge between Mojave desert & sea. Yel [yellow] p [pine] sugar libo [libocedrus] & abries. Concolor at once takes possession & extends along the broad level or gently sloping ridges & vals. [valleys] To the East [ward] or desert side [sketch of hill between sea and desert.] The trees on verge of sea front all show effects of wind & also of snow & ice crushing, are flat topped & short for girth quite picturesque Even sugar p [pine] grotesquely gnarled & repressed, but very fruitful 3 & 4 cones in cluster. Cones 1 foot

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

