"August-September 1896, Forest Field Studies Image 18" by John Muir


John Muir


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The same troops could guard all a little more cost [forage] – but on scouting line on the meadow. Officers unmarried have less expense, married more. Dr Rowell, Fresno, an influential lover of forests. Lieut. M. F. Davis 4” Cavalry Presidio, Cal. The East Fork on N. side hot & steep brushy, [ceanothus] [manzanita] [dendromecon] honeysuckle [Fremontia] [Cercocarpus] etc. then [Brewer] oak with big acorns. N. side forested with Yel. P. [Yellow Pine] A lone young gigantia on [Canon] 40 ft [feet] h [high] several others a mile above the Upper Slopes & dividing ridges with Seg [Sequoia] in grand domed growth. Comparatively few seqs [Sequoias] seen on way to Mineral King. Mostly owned [here] but bulk of 14 Townships belong to government.

20. Captain Gale furnished horses & we rode to summit 10,000 bald mtns [mountains] storm beatin. Aristata is here the timberline quite picturesque. Growing lower 9200 ft. [feet] with monticola wh [which] it resembles on bark cross-checks & even in branching but foliage kept more stiffly together less [softly] airy & sugar pine-like & of course cones show. Cones prickly when fresh- soon fall. Black blue when young. Saw 10 conifers today. Abies, Concolor magnifica, Pinus Lambert, ponderosa, contorta, aristata, monticola, libocedus, sequoia & Juniperous. Mtn [mountain] pine ab & large also juniper not broken topped. contorta graceful fine 100 ft. or more - the meadow form neither albicaulis or douglas seen on this trip. Saw [tumion] ab [abundant] but not large calycanthus ab [abundant]. The narrowest timberbolt ever saw on Sierra (8 ms. [Miles])

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

