
15th at 1.45 Leave S.F. [San Francisco] Sargent & I for Tomales Point. From San Rafael took team & surrey for the country club near the Pt. Reyes & arrive at dusk. discover the Muricata pine we were in search of. Got specimens before breakfast. Broad [tipped] spreading tree branches in broad flattish layers bluish green [mass] in foliage – handsome stout roughish dark shade [relieving] the [bossy] branches, cones stay on forever - on trunk 2 ft [feet] from ground – cones open however. Growing with Douglas spruce – wh [which] [is] here quite abundant. Fine ride over the mtns [mountains] thru [through] redwoods, Douglas, Arbutus [etc]. hazel & [thru] Bear Val [valley] [Swiss] dairymen 16th Return to city by Bolinas Bay drive down to beach where [good] bathing fine section of stratified drift 40 – 60 h [high] Bay quite picturesque. Then after going round the bay climbed the mtn [mountain] & after rapid rush down the other side to Mills Station one minute before the train arrived. Reached S.F. [San Francisco] at 1.40 with our spoils a [slick] job. 17 Went home on 4 o clock train saw my [wife] & [babes]. changed
clothing repacked satchel ready to rejoin party next day. 18 Left Martinez 10.45 & found Sargent Abbott & Hague on board. We reached Visalia about 8.30 [ ] [met] & cared for by Postmaster cool & pleasant not smokey. 19 Start at 4 A.M. to dress breakfast at 4.30 start at 5.30 swift ride to 3 Rivers 30 ms [miles] in buggy & surrey at 10 P.M. change to stage then up [hill] over rough road to camp of troops guarding the Park. Arrive at 5.30 could get no breakfast at hotel engaged “the box” at a saloon that keeps open all night. Had big breakfast but poor one, & a basket of luncheon, at 1 dollar each. Rode through finest lobata with immense crop of acorns rough fertile fields passed very extensive lemon orchard in foothills owned by company soil stiff red clay 20 ms [miles] Visalia passed fine hearty apple & peach orchards fruitful in spite of [frowsy] neglect. At Three Rivers took stage 4 horses passed immense orchards of douglas oak on all the hot dry hills on a [gilia] & [calochortus] gardens now dust & hay followed main river a few miles
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist