
Henderson Canon, San Miguel “ [Canon] Bere Canon where [Abies] [Bracteata] grows. ranch valley (alt 1350) at about 1800 come to a few vigorous [tuberculata] & at 2500 our first coulteri a rough shaggy knotty sprawly [limbed] tree with huge cones was [inlet] on the dry mtn [mountain] side among stiff chaparral. At head of Miguel Canon it is the [predominating] species. A large sturdy rough tree 2 to 4 ft h [high] [sending] out the wildest roughest longest arms imaginable turning up at the ends with bristly brush of v [very] long stiff [needley] [1] foot or more & with one or a pair of the heaviest of all cones about 10 inches long & dripping with amber resin handsome. Somewhat like the shaggiest of Jeffrey but gray like Sabine, some limbs 40 ft long bending to ground nearly somewhat like Sugar Pine distance in throwing of limbs but always turned up at tip instead of down as in Sugar. A brute of a tree says Sargent. A rough [navy] Irishman. The [bracteata] is the roughest of all
[abies] most like subalpina v [very] spiry at top branches roughly clad with long sharp needles 1 ¼ in. irreg [irregular] on length v [very] silvery below somewhat like doug sp [douglas spruce] cones with v [very] long bristly [curved] bracts 1 inch l [long] or more comes 2 ½ to 3 in [inches] l [long] all growing near water [evidently] doomed to speedy extinction in wild state, now growing in Europe.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist