
John Muir


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at 6.30. Many fine fruit ranches in Ukiah Val [Valley] & good farms in Willets Val [Valley] The finest lobata oak I have seen anywhere [grow] in Willets Val [Valley] Stop at [Palace] with Sargent [ate] Sep. 10 Go home on 9 o’clock train & leave for [S.F.] [San Francisco] again 4:30 [P].M. stayed at [Palace], saw Brewer. Sep 11. Start for Santa Lucia Mtns [mountains] fir Abies [bracteata] at 8.15. Arrive at Kings’ City at 2.30 & are fitted out with team & 2-seated carriage for Newhalls Ranch. Gen [General] Abbott & I in the [livery] carriage Sargent with Mr. Newhalls in his private buggy arrived at 8 P.M. p [sabiniana] near Newhalls. Sep. 12. Start out with Mr. Newlands in spring wagon to see the Santa Miguelito Rancho 35000 acres I had delightful ride thru [through] oak parks & [Sabine] p [pine] lobata fine, Doug [Douglas] Oak, [acerifolia] & [ ] Remarkable rocks Yosemite like S. Dakota park on Naciementa [Nacimiento] [River] The [San] [Miguelito] R. [river] is mostly in wide Vals [valleys] N & S. surrounded with low smooth hills [many] [lobed] fringed

with Sabiniana in fine effect on sky-line airy feathery Douglas lobata & Agrifolia oaks on sides with Manzanita [rhamnus] Ceanothus & on driest portions Adenostoma Sycamore Willow & Populus Fremontia. Fine oak parks on grand scale. The largest lobata about 7 ft dia [diameter] Douglas 5 ft from specimens of these clean limbs & trunk smooth v. [very] white foliage blue wide spreading less [extravagantly] picturesque than lobata Fine dark green almost black rounded bossy agrifolia some of the oldest 6 ft or more dia [diameter] & open showing bold spread of strong enduring arms. Sep. 13 With Mr. Newlands & Mr. Mansfield as guide. start well mounted for the [abies] bracheata groves up the mtns [mountains] at head of San Miguel Canon about 9 ms [miles] distant from the ranch house but 12 as we had to go – up the ridge|o| [between] Henderson & Miguel canons the first 6 ms [miles] open oak woods the next 6 up & down over steep rugged but fairly good trail to head of canon then ¾ m [mile] down to a few specimens of this rarest of abies. At first only Sabine Pines from

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
