"August-September 1896, Forest Field Studies Image 21" by John Muir


John Muir


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26th Returned to Santa [Bernardino] & started from there to Flagstaff at 12.45. No room in Pullman take tourist car. Found Douglas Sp [spruce] in Cajun Pass at 2500 ft ab [abundant] higher in ravines. Very handsome Yucca on Mohave Desert. Tree like ab [abundant]. Saw 2 species Mesquite. Lovely mtns [mountains] treeless all colors & sculptures reposing in evening sunshine 27th arrive at Flagstaff at 9.30 A.M. Yel [yellow] pine ab [abundant] of fair size much of it cut for lumber & fencing. It extends over all the low grounds here or plateau region & up the slopes of the San Francisco Mtns [mountains] to 8000 ft or more mixed at this elevation with doug [douglas] sp [spruce] of normal form only [bracts] exerted [more] than usual. Also with Abies Concolor. The cones seldom extra large, some very small some with 2 needles bark v [very] variable to smooth like Contorta. Concolor with large lvs [leaves] shaggy & v [very] white lvs [leaves] turned up not making flat plumes, otherwise nearly normal The Rocky Mtn [mountain] form. Cones v ab [very abuundant] clustered at top more than ever before saw. (aristata [ ] Pinus flexilis also here quite ab [abundant] some four ft dia [diameter] a fine tree somewhat like

Monticola both in cones & habit cones abnormally large 8 inches l [long] but variable. bark gray white in young. Some of young hard to distinguish from sugar p [pine]. Sep 28 / 97 28th set out for Grand Canon [Canyon] 72 miles distant. Much to my surprise had easy & delightful ride started at 6.30 arrived at 6.15. First 25 ms [miles] through beautiful forest mostly Yel [Yellow] P [pine] with flexilis Doug [Douglas] Sp [Spruce] & a little concolor. Many bright flrs [flowers] yel [yellow] comps [composites] geranium asters solidago Lynosyris [Beglonia] erigeron etc. & peculiar red flr? [flower] goosefoot? Grasses more ab [abundant] than elsewhere all summer. Grand view of Mt Agassiz & Humphrey the latter a 1000 ft higher 13000? v [very] beautiful open slopes & timbered. Large masses of yel [yellow] from aspens, a grand show in many tones next 10 ms [miles] a dry forest or open woods of [nut] pine (edulis) not differing from Monophylla as far as I can see in gray color & habit this yrs [year’s] needles not divided but may be [by] ribbons also 2 species of Cedar [ ]

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

