
25 ms [miles] to Crescent City through Douglas, Grandis, Lawson, [Thuja], Hemlock comes in mighty handy for skids — the only tree to stand the shade. Arbutus, Sequoia [Myrica] 24 ft dia [diameter] ? Sequoia suddenly vanished & [silchensis] came in close to coast. The sudden appearance of sunlight ahead showed the line of [demarcation] |0| [between] [ ] & sequoia. A broad sandy plain from mtns [mountains] to sea with woeful ruins charred of forest – mostly Sitka some of wh [which] is returning & is now 30 ft h [high] hemlock also & a coast form of contorta slim when crowded but here [rounded] bright green [lvs] [leaves] crowded, cones opening, & truly [contorted] only on the extreme coast, a handsome tree here it is at its best
Arrived at Crescent City [ab] [about] 9-30, walked until P.M. examined the mill & went out on logging train a few miles & saw the work of ruin going on. 3 / 4. day for 2 men to cut down a tree 8 ft dia [diameter] square for directing the fall, trampled ferns. Many trees here 10 ft dia [diameter] a good many 15 & a very few 20. Measured fallen giant 20 ft at base 10 ft at 200, bark & sap gone. A row of hemlock on top of it 75 ft h [high] Hemlock a constant companion. gaulttheria everywhere & myrica & huckleberry, one 95 ft h [high] blackberry & one with red Hemlock sending down [roots] 20 ft or more a [grand] sight.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist