"August-September 1896, Forest Field Studies Image 10" by John Muir


John Muir


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Fine chestnut, oak & [chrysolepis] near Gasquet on mid [middle] fork of Smith River a wide stream. Banks the finest oak seen on this trip. [ ] about 85 ft wide at bridge. Looking up lovely vista ½ m [mile] l [long] banks seamy but strong [beveled] blue rocks & above heavy bed of boulder & pebbles affording firm unshifting soil for [charming] vegetation highest along top of bank stately Doug [Douglas] Sp [spruce] in a row. Then in front of these rooted in rock the lovely Lawson Cypress with [ferny] [frond] like boughs delicately in place, next in front of these azalea spiraea, rubus [nutkanus] [maidenhair] & other ferns & [few] grass [tufts] & sedge

Chestnut oak & arbutus pressed into the front wall with Lawson enriching it & rounded fine-leaved gold cup oak here & there |o| [between] the Douglas. The river gentle sighing rapids alternating with glassy levels. Lofty pineclad mtns [mountains] all around the horizon. Ferns [adiantums] [woodwardia] a large flat cultivated by the Frenchman [Gasquett] 33 yrs ago, a lovely place. 4 Aug [August] cool morning calm delightful in this spacious Yo [Yosemite] like spot in the mtns 500 ft above sea. Glorious drive.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

