
Sep. 3, Alt [altitude] 1300 basin of Illinois Crk [creek] 10 ms [miles] [W] [west] of Waldo Sugar p [pine] Yel [Yellow] Jeff, Mtn P. [mountain pine] Tuberculata, Doug [douglas] sp [spruce], Libo [libocedrus], Larson Ride from Waldo v [very] fine good road mtns [mountains] broken complicated rocky & dry thus preventing any species from growing rank enough to exclude others, hence nearly all the conifers of the region are here assembled Even contorta near summit. 3 oaks dwarf densiflora chrysolepis & dainty [Garryana] [?] [Rhamnus] [rododendron] , azalea. Dwarf [ceanothus] [chinquapin] Soon rising mtns [mountains] trees down the sea slope. Libo [libocedrus] & Lawson from Waldo to near sea. saw no monticola W [west] of divide. Jeffreys ab [abundant] at Waldo & here & there to summit needles blue & stout cones 5 to 7 inch Tuberculata 50 ft h [high] but mostly scrawny & wounded.
by insects etc. Many of cones open on living trees. Not so slender & dainty as on Sierra, more frowsy great variety in length of needles in 3[rd] 1 to 3 inches l [long]. Lunch at Patricks Crk [creek] a branch of Smith R [river] a character of [Irishman]. Nearly all the complicated mass of mtns [mountains] within near sight of road today W. of divide is covered with p [pinus] tuberculata chiefly in some cases 1000 acre patches. Killed & 3d crop coming on, begin to bear at 3 or 4 yrs so seldom caught without seed a dead p [pinus] tuberculata forest a striking & curious sight many stumps branches gone with open cones. Cones on 2 old trees oftentimes decorated with gray & yel [yellow] lichens. A good view of mtns [mountains] Siskiyou 7 to 8000 ft h. a slight [showing] of snow. These mtns but little known botanically. P [pinus] Breweriana occurs to the S [south] of our road.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist