"August-September 1896, Forest Field Studies Image 8" by John Muir


John Muir


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Sep 1 [September 1] Arrived at Central Station at 1 o’clock at 5 go to Grants Pass. Arranged for express to Crescent City [8] dollars each. Saw sugar, yel [yellow] mtn [mountain] Albecrombie contorta pines. W [western] hemlock & [pallomana] [Sitkensis] Sp [spruce] abies nobilis grandis (a little) concolor, Libo [libocedrus] Doug Sp [Douglas Spruce] Dropped at Gordons after driving about 4 ms [miles] from lake a good woodland ranch on the [ ] fine clear Rogue River wh [which] we followed nearly all day. Ranches here are made by girdling the yel [yellow] & sug ps [sugar pines] where the land is good & irrigation easy. Gordon is a good looking gray Scotchman 6[0] odd yrs [years] old His father still running a ranch at 90 yrs. Slept in alfalfa mea [meadow] with Abbott & Pinchot Hague & Sargeant in house. A rough camp like most others. Sep 1 [September 1] Rather sticky road thro [through] yel [yellow] p [pine] oak etc. Open woods. Merging as we approached the RR [railroad] into hot dry hills [Eremocarpus]

Small lvd [leaved] [ceanothus] etc. small farms. Had good view of table mtn [mountain] where the Inds [Indians] were surprised & driven over the cliffs. Sep 2 [September 2] Start for Crescent City [ ] to Waldo sugar & yell [yellow] & douglas, several places every tree large blown down some concolor, a few mtn [mountain] p [pine]. Never noticed so many trees prostrated by storms. Stop for lunch about ½ way to Waldo. Beautiful meadow & plain surrounded by fine yel [yellow] & sugar Yel [Yellow] p [pine] in meadow 200 ft h [high] Reach Waldo 40 ms [miles] from Grants Pass about 6 P.M. a scrawny dead mining town. Said to have been rich 20,000 miners discovered in 52. Tough Royal [pander] hotel “Can I have an egg. How are you off for milk this morning. Said the Bishop. Discovered large body Jeffrey p [pine] on slate serpentine rocks near village large purple cones stiff blue long lvs [leaves]

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

