"August-September 1896, Forest Field Studies Image 7" by John Muir


John Muir


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[From] [centre] of crater [ ] elsewhere [found] [ ] [all] seems comparatively old andesite [ ] & some rhyolite [crater] [island] a fine [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] & comparatively recent Weather [ ] smoky started for island ½ way white caps broke into overloaded boat turned back to shore at nearest wooded point when ½ way & built a fire to dry clothing. Drenched in thunderstorm [&] [ ] [&] [I] 100 ft up side made fire on flat rock. Arnold Hague & [boatman] & Steel on [ship] [Afar] [rain] too late for [island] so rounded back to foot of trail & climbed back to camp rather tired but none the worse rather better for exercise climbing 950 [Chinaman] [Godain] [Larkin] no good [ ] [ship] no good too [many] [water] come up [deep] [bare] ground [road] all same tree me go also same [ ] Go [ ] [no] catch [now]. Heavy rain during night all sleep in tent [except] Pinchot

Wet morning drizzly large drops from hemlocks overhead. [Mr.] Dillar put his head in tent & talked until we got up. Then went out to lake still full of mist. The trees gradually vanishing in gloom producing weird effect Had glimpses of the farther shore. The [river] laden with gl [glacial] detritus. Started off in drizzle v [very] cold. After first 3 ms [miles] steep the descent was gradual road [smooth] sandy rapid [track] long lanes thro [through] [murrayana] wh [which] had taken the place of nobilis one grove in [bog] of [ ] Fine desolation everywhere nearly one piece of [ ] [ ] [ ] [Rogue] [River] [ ] [ ] [where] [larger] [oaks] Kellogg & [Garry] [ceanothus] [ ] [&] [fine] [ceanothus] [ ] [ ] [foothills]

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

