
& service berry on ashy plains terraced by [successive] stream [short] of water from melting ice. This material derived from Crater L [Lake] probably Small Gooseberry R. [river] [ ] red smooth berry waxy lvs [leaves] Camp 6 ms [miles] N of Klamath on pumice plain. Firewood scarce make fire between 2 young contorta with Sargent, Chat & Jersey mosquitoes Plains & Klamath region generally 4200 Alt [altitude] 30 noblis ab [abundant] mtn [mountain] p [pine] Yel [Yellow] Hemlock paton ab. The finest forest of it I ever saw trees large 4 to five ft dia [diameter] 100 h [high] miles of it with only here & there a noblirs up to lake
The canon of Anna Crk [Creek] quite deep for size of stream say 500 ft. fine section of lava, grey & massive & sheer walled beneath 10 to 20 ft [of] mor [moraine] of gl [glacier] detritus reformed by water—vegetation at bottom trees Pattonia & Douglas & [noblis] ferny & mossy contorta reaches up to within 3 ms [miles] of Lake. As Lake is neared flrs [flowers] become ab [abundant], scarlet mimulus columbine, blue penstemon ribes, dwarf huckleberry dwarf like in park (--[myrtelordas]) compositae eriogonum, aster [ ] etc. Ceanothus glutinosum prostratus etc. ab [abundant] 10 ms [miles] below Lake & southward on dry ashy [pumice] [plains] with ponderosa & contorta sparsely planted. Lake walls from 30 to 90 [degrees] descended to shore where slope is 35 [degrees] avg [average] hard walking or scrambling ground on the [move] hard ridges timbered handsomely nearly from top to bottom with fine large pattoniana some places precipitous, bottom seems to have fallen from portion drained by flows
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist