
29. Camp at Pelican Bay Fine ground fine cold spring but littery & stinking. Glorious view of lake & broad meadows, 2000 acres or more. One sugar p [pine] [grandis] concolor & [yel] yellow. Alder spiraea [Doug] etc. Start at 8, arrive at task Klamath at 12:45 on bank of charming clear cool Wood River—like mid Flathead. From McDonald Lake 25 ms [miles] last five on meadow dry mostly, extensive fenced fields hay immense stretch of meadow. 25 ms [miles] or more Found large grove of spruce like menzies—smaller [ ] lvs [leaves] Shasta cones more divided [branches] bark nearly the same. Libo [Libocedrus] a little [gr] concolor plenty Wild plum obcordatum in lavish fruit, nearly ripe lavish fruited choke cherry also, & cherry. Some birch small Contorta magnif. [magnificent] broad [spreading] 3 to 4 ft [feet] dia [diameter] v [very] prickly cones.
Fine Lenosyris 50 acres in patch on bank of Wood River wh [which] is said to come chiefly from one spring. Went up Anna Crk [Creek] trib [tributary] of Wood River, saw sections on bank made of pumice in great part, showing composition of broad level plains exceedingly dry & porous & transportable drift. Covered in park style with yel [yellow] p [pine] & [here] & [there] contorta of exceeding variety of form, some large 4 ft dia [foot diameter] rough bark smooth bark, wide-spreading & airy [slim] long & short lvs [leaves] some shiny as silver firs cones with long prickles much like sierra forms Large aspen 60 ft h [high] 3 ft dia [diameter]. Cottonwood 5 ft 150 h [high] strength boles deeply but narrowly furrowed purshia tridentata & [eriogonum]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist