"August-September 1896, Forest Field Studies Image 12" by John Muir


John Muir


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Aug 5 [August 5] Grand drive thro [through] redwoods. First 4 ms [miles] along sands close to waves smooth as pavement. Heavy fog, then up thro grand sequoia occasionally over bluff treeless but exuberant grass [Rubus] nutkanus & other rubas ceanothus myrica rhamnus etc. & [rose] but mostly [pteris] 8 to 10 ft h [high] On top of ridge back from sea 1300 ft the [heavens] [opened] lake-like bits of lovely blue [thru] the [diaphanous] mist seen thro the wondrous columns of redwood feathered with [saplings] vine [maple] & hemlock. The ground with fine rhododendron red huckleberry etc. then the sun sending long mossy shafts of radiance down thro the columns falling in [luminous] patches on the [boles] & flat plumes of hemlock & on the green mossy ferny ground, the [lonchitis] [the] main fern [Linnaea ] etc [maidenhair] [filix] [femina] the ocean faintly sounding. huge mossy trunks [prostrate] Drive 45 ms [ miles] swept round several lagoons, much spruce [sitchensis] A few grandis & in the finest redwood many

Tall airy douglasses. Stop at creamery Orricks [Oricks] or near it. Rough place 75 cts [cents] for 2 meals & bed. Met agent of Chicago redwood co [company] Stock held in Scotland, only speculation. Make no lumber said land all taken worth 10 to 30 dollars per acre some sold as high as 250 none now salable – engineer at Crescent City said he would like to sell his ¼ sec [section] at 20. Complained he had to pay 30 do [dollars] per yr [year] tax. Much dry rot in redwood Gaulttheria [gaultheria] in redwoods & along open shore. Abronia & eriogonum on shifting sand dunes. Saw Lawson several places [tough] [beds] Lunched at Rigua ½ [head] girls crossed Klamath on ferry bad [ ] over slough. Aug 6 [August 6] got off at 6-20 this A.M. Arrived [Arcuta] at 3 P.M. at 4 took ferry for Eureka 12 ms [miles] arrived at 4-45. The bay v [very] shallow channel crooked very large spacious flat on N [north] side of bay. Now farms of clover & grain chiefly houses close together like a town, small farms. Drive through many miles of

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

