"August 1893, Trip to Europe Image 7" by John Muir


John Muir


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9 There is a grand promenade under huge walnut trees with seats, lovely cool & truly grand, some of trees 6 ft. dia [diameter] wide spreading & [very] healthy with no sign of decay. From end of avenue view of Jungfrau and it’s glaciers a magnificent cumulus cld [cloud] to right of it seemed grander than the mtn. Up to Grindelwald thro [through] valley 10,000 ft. deep along roaring muddy stream. Grand [scenery] Every [ ] of ground occupied however high. Large apple, pear, & cherry trees growing all the way to Zermatt. Within a mile or two of the glacier. The upper & lower Grindelwald gls [glaciers] the lowest descending in Switzerland. 3500 ft. receding end in gorge illustrating gorge making by gl [glacial] action [Views] of Matterhorn. [sketch] –horn & Eiger Eiger precipice fronting valley wonderful

Next day went to Lauterbrunnen & up fearfully steep RR to Murren. Lauterbrunnen is a Valley- a Yo[Young]valley very 10 long branching at head has many falls. The [Slanback] the finest 1000 ft h [feet high] like Bridal Veil. At 14th Aug., 1893 nearly as much water as Bridal V. [Veil]- falls in series of [comet] masses with grand hidden power. The S [south] side of valley has a noble range of mtns for [wall] Jungfrau, Eiger [Siberhorn] etc & the [monk] wall beveled but fairly showing as one from top to bottom 3500 to 14000 ft. N [north] wall lower- [more] beveled a great many farms- pastures on it. From Murren by rail v [very] steep cable one car going up as other descends- pass in middle balance regulated by [water]. Fine view from Murren. Gls pks [glacial peaks] in noble series adorned by cumulus clouds. Spent Sunday there. Took long walk. Heard great shouting and curious singing [replying] far and near. Discovered all came from happy children & young lads & lassies walking running playing berrying gathering flowers. Ranz des vaches

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

