"August 1893, Trip to Europe Image 8" by John Muir


John Muir


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11 at 6000 ft huckleberries ripe & strawberries. saw few large spruces 3 to 4 ft dia [diameter] Epilobium thistles, many [ ] heather, bluebells, daisy [ ] in full bloom & great abundance. Haying in progress Aug. 14th hay mostly very short. Cut [cultivated] on very steep slopes & most anywhere. Bought milk from man I met in the woods the people very happy mostly all work but slowly – enjoy good health. have this slow dragging walk of mountaineers can carry heavy loads on back. Horses scarce at all used by the cow-keeping mtneers [mountaineers]. Would eat much [precious] hay while growing no man food. The clear fluty merry ringing of their [singing] very striking. Next day to Lausanne via Interlaken. Fine scenery on Lake Thun. Stayed at Hotel Gibbon where the historian is said to have written part of his history 12 Charming town on Lake Geneva. Great mtns[mountains] seen through hot [haz] air. Next day Lausanne to Zermatt up along the lake shore & up the noble Rhone Valley wonderful care in cultivation of vine along lake & S. [south] slopes of Rhone Valley mtn walls. Terraced with holding walls solid masonry, soil mostly moraine, hot & light gravelly some patches only a rod or less in area crops rather light, mostly white. The Rhone turbid of course & a swift mtn stream The floor of valley level mostly & every inch available under cultivation, mostly grass grain vegetables. Vines on slopes. Walnut peach apple cherry growing in abundance. on [moraines] trees v [very] large fruit now ripe within a mile or two of the gls [glaciers] Changed cars at Visp for Zermatt. Arrived at 5 o’clock P.M. Grand views of Matterhorn.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

