"August 1893, Trip to Europe Image 6" by John Muir


John Muir


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7 so firmly cemented but that they give way before the pressure of the ice without being much modified so that we have on the lowlands the washed deposits of [2] gl prds [glacial periods]. Never before saw gravel deposits 6000 ft thick & 1000 of miles in extent. What a sublime expression of gl [glacial] action & of running singing water. What sheets of music are these gravel beds. Sermons in stones, [aye] & songs in stone. Grapes ripe, planted 3 to [1/2] ft apart on terraces stone & lime the holding wall at times as high as the vineyard is broad. The golden shimmering on lakes from summit of Rhigi [Rigi]! The view looking down on 1000 small farms in many colors. The marching & lingering of a 1000 clouds. The marvelous depth of atmosphere tho [though] still plainly substantial. The sunset glories, golden light in vast range of variety & above all the pile of gold 8 on a lake, an island apparently of solid gold tho [though] glowing as if hot. Never before saw the evening sunshine falling through colored [cld] bars on water seem to pile up into a substantial mass. First it took this form [sketch] then looped round & loose like a haycock Got badly lost going back to hotel in dark. Next day started for Grindelwald by Interlaken. Passed thro [through] wonderful scenery in getting thro [through] mtns to Brienz. Brienz Val a [ ]. Fine view looking down from the cog R.R. [railroad]. Sail down Brienz Lake to Interlaken, lofty mtn[mountain] walls like Lake Tahoe. Many grand fashionable hotels in Interlaken, gardens fountains etc. in front of largest. I get the best of such places from the outside at no cash cost. The river broad & strong flowing into Thun L [Lake] from Brienz is impressive. The mtns about town lofty & forested to 6000 ft.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

