12 5th day July 15 West shore of Bald Mtn [Mountain] 9 A. M. Bar [barometer] 1350 The Divide Main about 1500. The second Divide about [1 ½] ms SE ward about 1500? The flow of water on gl [glacier] diminished about .9 tho [though] no frost. Already increasing stones begin to roll into crevasses & into new positions sliding against each other, half turning over or falling on mor [moraine] ridges – mud pellets rolling slowly mud with small pebbles slipping from ice front to slip again & again. How often & by how many ways are
bowlders [boulders] finished & finally brought to anything like permanent form & place in beds on fields of wheat & in gardens. Into crevasses & out again into mors [moraines] & reformed by avas [avalanches] the flow of ice, melting from [pedicels], etc etc rain frost dew clds [clouds] [swept] in rills caught & [ground] in [ ] etc Moraines of washed pebbles like those on gl [glacial] margins about main camp formed by [avas] of snow deposited in crevasses then weathered out & [protected] on ice as shallow raised moraines one such at this camp.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 13 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist