Volume 24, Issue 1 (2011)
Front Matter
Volume 24, Issue #1, Masthead
Pacific McGeorge School of Law
Local to Global: Rethinking Spheres of Authority After a World Financial Crisis: An Introduction
Franklin A. Gevurtz
Regulating for the Next Financial Crisis
Charles K. Whitehead
Teaching in a Transformative Era: Selected Essays from the Society of American Law Teachers Teaching Conference
Raquel Aldana and Hazel Weiser
Using Comparative and Transitional Corporate Law to Teach Corporate Social Responsibility
Franklin A. Gevurtz
Transforming Students, Transforming Self: The Power of Teaching Social Justice Struggles in Context
Raquel Aldana
Online, Distance Legal Education as an Agent of Social Change
Michael L. Perlin
Promoting Social Justice Values and Reflective Legal Practice in Chinese Law Schools
Brian K. Landsberg
Experiential Learning Through Community Lawyering: A Proposal for Indian Legal Education
Supriya Routh
The Role of Law Schools in Educating Judges to Increase Access to Justice
Sande L. Buhai, Ved Kumari, Amari Omaka C., Stephen A. Rosenbaum, Supriya Routh, and Anne Taylor
Toward an International Rule of Law
Brandeis Institute for International Judges
The Human Right of Sanitation for All: A Study of India
Rebecca M. Coleman