
Sept. 4. feeling disheartened at the amountof work which I had in prospectfor today, and showed signs ofit by shedding tears, which werediscovered by my kind husband,and made him very unhappy. Buthe encouraged and assisted me, andafter I had set myself coolly andcalmly about my work, my difficultiesall vanished, one by one,and I had quite a pleasant day.I hope I shall not be thus unkindand wicked again. Maude Vincentcame here and had a tooth extractedMrs. W. Parker, on whom we calledSaturday, has a little daughter,born today. She is quite comfortable.The threshers came today; quite anaddition to the family and to mywork. There are 5 of them making17 in the whole family.Sept. 5. Wednesday. Election day. Dr. hasbeen absent all day. He was appointedjudge of the Election, and did notreturn home until late in the evening.I feel lonely when he is away. Rec'dfour letters from home today and apaper the "youth's Companion,"Sept. 5. Mother. Susan and Josiah wrotealso Augusta. Mother sent me acurl of Sister Clara's hair, which Ishall prize more than any thing elseshe could have sent me, almost. Itlooks as if it belonged to some littleangel cherub, rather than to a childof earth. My best wish for her is,that she may so live as eventuallyto become such an one as is meet forthe kingdom of heaven. Robert Alley,a man who formerly worked here, camehere tonight. Heard today, that L.Moore was married to Dr. Cooke Mayshe enjoy married life as well as I do.Sept. 6. Have had a great deal to do today.However, I kept up as good courageas possible. Mr. Compton spent theforenoon with us, and another mancame to thresh, so that I had 20 todinner. Retired to rest feeling muchfatigued, but happy. They havenow finished threshing.Sept. 8. Today, a stout Indian, called Dr.Lano, came to the house, and washere to dinner and supper. He hasbeen Captain of his tribe, and is onestherefore, if the more intelligent among
Date Original
September 1855
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal