
Sept. 8. them. He is athletic, with a verylarge head, which is covered withheavy, bushy hair, black andstraight, reaching almost to his eyes.They do not, as a tribe, look intelligent.Not long ago he lived in thisneighborhood, on the site whichour new house is to occupy. Buthis wife died and he burnt hislodge and all his effects, makinga doleful noise all the while.Sept. 9. A most delightful Sabbath.Did not attend S. school there beingno convenient way for me togo, as Dr. was very busy. But Ipassed the day very pleasantlyreading by myself and with himwhen he was at home. I love theSabbath day.Sept. 11. What a happy woman I am.Here in this beautiful place, withsuch a kind husband. This time, heis very busy, and some days I canenjoy his society but very little:besides, there has not been a singlelady here since Mrs. Allen left.I will not say but what I desireto enjoy more female society. ButSept. 11. I now enjoy such good healthand get along so finely with mywork, and Dr. is pretty well howcan I but be happy, Indeed. I cannot enumerate all the blessingswhich are mine to enjoy. Every mailbrings me "good news from home",and I am studying the Spanish eachday. Today I wrote to Brother JosiahHeard that Mrs. Allen, who has beenstaying at Mr. Foster's, had gone toSacramento, to board with a MissGass, who came out to Cal. on ourvessel. Hope she will be contentedthere. Went out with the Dr. at nightto try to learn to milk, but did notsucceed very well. Think I must"try again."Sept. 13. Thursday. A most delightful day.We went out to ride this afternoon. Calledon Mrs. Bramlet. Found her comfortable.She has a beautiful little babyboy, in which I felt much interest.Were treated to watermelon, then proceededon to Mr. George Thompson's.Here we only stopped at the door. Mrs.Thompson, who is a Taunton, Mass.lady is very much discontented and
Date Original
September 1855
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal