
Sept. 1. and a cool air stirring. We werenow riding on the west bank of the rivermuch higher than the bed of the riverwhich is now partly dry. The view wehad was now beautiful. The rivermeandering along among the green willowsthe wheat fields of our Ranch beyond,so dry and yellow, forming sucha contrast, and the mountains seemingnot far away, so grand and magnificent.We called on Mrs. Parkershe seemed pleased to see us, althougha little surprised, and not quite atease. She has two sprightly littleboys. We had a pleasant call, weretreated to watermelon and tomatopie. The house, which is Mr. Bryant's,is situated in a hollow, notseen from the road, in a very dustyplace. A little after 5 o'clock, werode over to Mrs. Lard's, Foundher very busy, but happy to see us.Had introductions to Messrs. Brown,Crippy and Watkins, Mrs. Lard is apleasant Western woman, and Iwas much interested in some ofher expressions. She called on us oneSabbath, when we were dressing forSept. 1. meeting, and we invited Mr.Lard and herself to go with us. Theydid so, and did not return hereafterwards. Today, I expressed regretto her, that I did not see hermore. "O, it is no matter," she said. " ifI had gone right home, I should nothave felt as though I had had all my'broad; but I went to meeting andso seed my broad all out." Wetook tea there, were treated very kindlyand reached home about 9. returningby the way of Hodges' Mill.Sept. 2. Sabbath. Went to meeting andheard a very good sermon from thewords, "My grace is sufficient for thee."Truly the Christian finds it so inthe hour of trial, when earthly helpis rain. Then is that "blest Refuge"to which he flies, most dear to him.We returned by the way of the newroad to Stockton, across an extensiveplain, which reached as far as the eyecould see, well wooded, but nowvery dry. Found Mr. Coffey herewhen we returned.Sept. 4. I am really ashamed to recordwhat happened this morning. I rose
Date Original
September 1855
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal