"Delia Locke Diary, 1855-1856" by Delia Locke


Delia Locke


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Aug. 14. Mrs. Allen went to Mrs. Holman'sand left me with Mr.Hayward to do the work. ThinkI shall be happier when she is awayfor she is complaining and homesickand tends to make me so.Aug. 15. Wednesday. This morning Mrs. Allenreturned, thinking she could not staywith Mrs. Holman on account of thefleas. She will now be better contentedhere. I think: at least. I hope she willShe will remain here only until shecan obtain another situation. Heardfrom Mrs. Lakeman that she isdoing well, and all parties are perfectlysatisfied. Received a letter fromNellie Sears, to whom I addressed a lettersome time ago. She is at Columbia,enjoying herself finely. She says thereare refined and beautiful ladies inthat place and very good society. Iwish she would come and make us avisit, but that cannot be at presentfor she is teaching school. I long for goodfemale society, As Nellie says. "there isno home like my own" in this respect. Myhealth is very delicate. Everything I dofatigues me so much. Father Locke hasAug. 15. been very sick again. It will be a longtime before he will be well and strong.I hope he will be more prudent in future.This last attack was brought on by overeatingwhile he was yet weak. Retiredto rest, feeling half sick from fatigue.Aug. 16. Rose this morning feeling quite unwell.Wrote to my old Abington schoolmate.Susie Ward. I then thought Iwould lie down and rest me. So I did,and slept a little, but was soon awakedby the arrival of Mrs. Holman and herlittle Annie. She had come to spend theday with me. Was very glad to see her, tho'I felt hardly able to sit up and entertainher. The day passed off very pleasantly,however, for we talked of pleasant thingsand wondered if we could not do somethingtowards bringing about a better stateof society here: by inducing the ladiesto be more social. We talked of a SewingSociety like those of N. E. and concludedto ask the advice of our husbands aboutthe matter.Aug. 17. Friday. Dr. is much pleased withthe idea of social gatherings, andwill aid us all he is able to do by wayof advice, etc. Mrs. Holman sent for

Date Original

August 1855

Dates Covered



Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal
