"Delia Locke Diary, 1855-1856" by Delia Locke


Delia Locke


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Aug. 6. keep over at our new house. Howmuch pleasure we anticipate in livingthere. May God be pleased to grant itto us. I hope it will soon be completed.Aug. 7. Brother Horace's birthday. My healthis still improving. Wrote a letter to mother.Aug. 8. Wednesday. Weather excessively warm.Mr. Parker called on us with his littledaughter. Wrote a letter to Augusta.Aug. 9. Wrote a letter to Susan. How Iwish she would come out here. Ishould so much like to see her. Aboutnight, took a walk down on thebottom land, to where Dr. was rakinghay. The walk was too long for me,and I returned so much fatiguedthat I could not sleep well duringthe night.Aug. 11. Saturday. We have now very comfortableweather, quite cold nightsand mornings. This does not seemlike the August weather of the East.Wrote to Aunt Abbott of Stoddard,N. H. This makes eighteen pageswhich I have written for this mailAug. 12. Sabbath. Very pleasant and comfortable.Attended S. School. Therewere but few people there. Felt alAug. 12. most discouraged about it. It is sodifferent from N. E. But if I ever doany good here, I must not "despisethe day of small things": but keepup good courage, until I become acquaintedwith the people, hopingthen to influence them to takemore interest in the S. School andpreaching.Aug. 13. Monday. Attended to householdduties as usual. I have a great dealof care, yet am very happy when I amwell. But if very tired or slightlyunwell. I think much of home andthat dear mother, to whom I alwaysused to go for pity and consolation.But I hope I shall not let suchfeelings gain such an ascendancyover me as to make me selfish,and my kind Dr. unhappy. No,I must endeavor to repress them,for he is too kind and consideratetowards me to be treated in such amanner by one whom he is alwaystrying to make happy. After tea,Mrs. Allen went to Mrs. Holman'sand engaged to commence work forher tomorrow night.

Date Original

August 1855

Dates Covered



Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal
