
Aug. 17. Mrs. Allen to come and stay with hershe went accordingly. Father is now gainingslowly. My health remains nearlythe same.Aug. 18. Today the sun was obsured by clouds:a circumstance which has not beforetaken place for any length of time. Rosefeeling quite anxious as to how I shouldsucceed in doing the work with no oneto assist me but Mr. Hayward; butwas encouraged by reading a little inmy Bible, of how God takes care of allwho trust in Him. As it was I succeededmuch to my mind and passeda very pleasant day.Aug. 19. Sabbath. How swiftly the weekscall on. Concluded to remain at hometoday, the I much wished to hearthe preaching. Dr. went to church.and said our preacher did betterthan usual. Mr. Coffey called onus. Mrs. Allen is now sick.Aug. 21. Tuesday. Mrs. Allen continuesvery sick with the chills and fever. Mr.Holman is also sick, so that Mrs.Holman has a great deal of care inadditions to the complaints which sheis obliged to hear from Mrs. Allen.Aug. 21. I truly pity her. Father is nowimproving in health. My healthis no better. I wish some of the ladieswould call on me. I am lonelysometimes when Dr. is away.Aug. 22. Mr. Wheelock came here today.I received letters from mother andSusan. How glad I was to hearthey were all pretty well. Susan writesfavorably of her school -likes teachingvery much. She has a bad cough.Hope she will recover soon. SisterClara thinks much of me. Mothersays she would be much pleased tolook in upon us and chat a whileHow I wish she could. She would bemuch gratified to see me succeedingso well in housekeeping.Aug. 24. Friday. Mrs. Allen is muchbetter. Mrs. Holman has been quitesick. but now recovering. Dr. wasgone in the afternoon, leaving me alone.Thought of Jesus and my home inheaven. May we all be united inthat happy place where life is over.Often when tempted to be impatientand desponding, do I think, that itis "through much tribulation" we
Date Original
August 1855
Dates Covered
Original diary dimensions: 13 x 20 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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Delia Locke, diaries, women, diarist, California, Locke-Hammond Family Papers, Lockeford, CA, Dean Jewett Locke, rural life, rural California, 19th Century, church, temperance organizations, Mokelumne River Ladies' Sewing Circle, temperature recordings, journal