"Pacific Theatre: A Chronological Recording of Productions Between the " by Curtis Andrews Ennen




This study could not be, and is not intended to be, an exhaustive historical report of all the theatrical activity encompassed by the Drama department at The University of the Pacific. To embark on such a venture would be well beyond the capabilities and the patience of the present writer. In fact, to attempt a history of any one of the several facets of this organization would be a major undertaking. Fortunately, a partial study of the activities of Pacific Little Theatre has been made in the form of a thesis by DeMarcus Brown, Director of Pacific Theatre. This work, which also is not exhaustive, is, in many instances, the only reliable source of information pertinent to some of the early productions staged on the Stockton Campus.

In recent years, a growing concern has been expressed by the staff of Pacific Theatre for a more accurate system of preserving the vital records of the activities of the department. In the past, programs have been lost, pictures have been misplaced or are unidentifiable and dates of productions forgotten. The records of some productions have been reduced to little more than a memory. It is, therefore, imperative that an attempt be made to record the pertinent data concerning the productions not covered by the earlier study, namely, those productions staged between the years of 1935 and 1962. No attempt will be made to delve into the records of the Studio Theatre, Fallon Theatre or the Playbox. These areas are beyond the scope of the present study as each is of sufficient magnitude to warrant a separate treatise.

For aid in locating elusive documentary evidence, I am indebted to Miss Martha Pierce and Mr. Max Gobel, who have been more than generous in loaning materials from their private collections. I also wish to express my gratitude to Miss Cecile Morrison for her help in editing certain portions of the contents.

DeMarcus Brown, Founder and Director of Pacific Theatre, has been an invaluable source for unrecorded data. His remarkable memory has supplied intricate details of certain productions where no records could be found.

Contributing institution

University of the Pacific



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