Shirt off my back t


Senior Art and Design Exhibition

Abstract/Artist Statement

Shirt off my back began as an inspiration from an idea that was originally for a branding campaign associated with missionary work. I then expanded it into a conceptual and literal metaphor for charitable giving.The concept begins with the donation of a used, unwanted shirt, which is then turned inside out, the physical act of taking it off one’s back, and a new design is applied to it. The shirt is then re- sold as a unique, novelty item. The proceeds go to aid the “clothe a village” program by World Vision.The donor of the shirt is likely to be the commissioner and buyer of the re-design. In this way, design is helping to exponentially increase the usefulness of the fotunate’s discarded items, using their own belongings to entice them to re-buy them and further the cause.Each design contains a quote related to basic human need for clothing or consideration of the less fortunate from various respected persons such as Gandhi, Shakespeare, and Kanye West. The designs use typography and metaphoric imagery that associates with the quote.My product proposal stems from a desire to fill a need or purpose greater than myself; that which makes a social difference or could perhaps be brought to the attention of those who could take it further than I.


Reynolds Gallery

Start Date

6-5-2006 9:00 AM

End Date

6-5-2006 5:00 PM

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May 6th, 9:00 AM May 6th, 5:00 PM

Shirt off my back t

Reynolds Gallery

Shirt off my back began as an inspiration from an idea that was originally for a branding campaign associated with missionary work. I then expanded it into a conceptual and literal metaphor for charitable giving.The concept begins with the donation of a used, unwanted shirt, which is then turned inside out, the physical act of taking it off one’s back, and a new design is applied to it. The shirt is then re- sold as a unique, novelty item. The proceeds go to aid the “clothe a village” program by World Vision.The donor of the shirt is likely to be the commissioner and buyer of the re-design. In this way, design is helping to exponentially increase the usefulness of the fotunate’s discarded items, using their own belongings to entice them to re-buy them and further the cause.Each design contains a quote related to basic human need for clothing or consideration of the less fortunate from various respected persons such as Gandhi, Shakespeare, and Kanye West. The designs use typography and metaphoric imagery that associates with the quote.My product proposal stems from a desire to fill a need or purpose greater than myself; that which makes a social difference or could perhaps be brought to the attention of those who could take it further than I.