"Letter from John Muir to J.E. Calkins September 15, 1908" by John Muir


John Muir


J.E. Calkins


Martinez Sep. 15, 1908. My dear Mr. Calkins, I got home a few days ago from a long visit with my friends the Harrimans at Pelican Bay in the Klamath & have had a fine reviving time & have also got some writing done up there on that much talked of autobiography. Dictated a 1000 or 1500 pages of M.S., mostly a miserable confused mess however that will have to be rewritten again and again. I also spent a month with the Sierra Club in the Kern Cañon country & made a short excursion to Yosemite. I also rewrote & enlarged Stickeen & sent it to Houghton Mifflin & Co. It will be published as a little book early next spring. Am now pegging away at another Yosemite book & have several others in mind which may see the light some day if I live long enough. Helen is still at Daggett with the Van Dykes bravely making her way toward sound health. I fondly hope she will within another year or so be her own hale merry self again. I have often thought of you these eventful days & months & am very glad to hear that Mrs Calkins is well again & that you are snugly settled in your own home among orange & lemon groves. I would like nothing better than to be with you free from all business & care except book work, & I hope I may be able to make you a long visit at least. Months & months after I last saw you were spent in settling family affairs I traded all the old ranch belonging to Helen to her sister Wanda for other property that would not require so much personal attention. The big house & five acres about it is all that Helen now owns here. Still her other property requires a good deal of attention together with my own, & my literary work is often sadly interrupted. I hope to be able to trade or sell off still more of our load & then with health & good luck get something worth while off my hands before dark. With kindest regards & best wishes for you all, I am ever faithfully yours, John Muir


Martinez, California

Date Original


File Identifier

Muir to JE Calkins

Collection Identifier

This correspondenc is part of the John Muir Papers, MSS 048.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.





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