"Postcard from K.H. [Katherine Hooker] to John Muir, June 3, 1914" by Katherine Hooker


John Muir


Mr. John Muir, Martinez, California U.S. of America. Florence, June 3rd Dear J. M. It is time for us to go home and time to tell you of it. We sail from Cherbourg [?] on the “Geo. Washington” the 28th of this month. Marian [?] and Ellie would like to keep on traveling, the vagabonds! Ellie says “Why yes-I don’t […] want to go home. Think of all there is to see!” They had better stop and digest a while I think. You have just had a birthday-many many happy returns! So have I had one-they seem to come very fast and to come up a large number. I have grown thin, Ellie has grown fat. […] […] and his wife will stay over here till September. Meantime they are building a grave [?] for me and I […] […] they are making it too big. I like small markers. Affectionately, K.H.


Florence, Italy

Date Original


File Identifier

K.Hooker to Muir postcard2

Collection Identifier

This correspondenc is part of the John Muir Papers, MSS 048.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.





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