Dymally, Mervyn: Progressive legislation


Mervyn Dymally: Politics was fun, and people were not as insecure about their vote as they are now. Indeed, you could get a vote from the cow-county senators. Their positions was “so long as you don’t hurt my district, I’m gonna give you a vote.” So some of the most liberal legislation, and I site one piece, the Therapeutic Abortion Bill signed by Reagan. If I ever wanted to embarrass my Conservative friends in Washington, I used to remind them that Reagan signed the first therapeutic abortion bill in the country; equal property rights for women, child-growth and development, early childhood education, and during his tenure we had the eight-year vote although he didn’t have to sign it. So George could lay claim to the same kind of progressive legislation, and so could Willie Brown.


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The Moscone oral history interviews are part of the George Moscone Collection, MSS 328.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections and Archives, University of the Pacific Library

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