Getlin, Josh: Joseph Mazzola trial after Craft Strike
Getlin: …It has become very clear that the leader of the Plumbers Union, Joseph Mazzola, who is also an airport commissioner, certainly if he didn't have direct knowledge of, may have even abetted acts of vandalism at the airport carried out by members of his union to sort of you know, you know increase the sense of aggravation in the city. In addition to the fact that it was like an outrageous thing that they had done and it caused tremendous damage to the city. George was irate and a lot of his anger was directed personally at Joe Mazzola, who was this very contentious, belligerent, you know, old school labor leader who was still smarting from the passage of Proposition B. Still very angry that his salary negotiating parameters been so grossly restricted by this kind of a measure and basically thumbed his nose at the city, and in particular, at the mayor. Who had basically tried to be a friend to labor, had bent over backwards trying to sort of bring some kind and decent settlement about that would, that labor could live with. I think George felt betrayed by Joseph Mazzola. He was angered at him in a civic, public sense for what he had done. And so very soon thereafter, George launched a proceeding to remove him from the airports commission in what was called an “impeachment proceeding.”
Date Original
The Moscone oral history interviews are part of the George Moscone Collection, MSS 328.
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections and Archives, University of the Pacific Library
Recommended Citation
Getlin, Josh, "Getlin, Josh: Joseph Mazzola trial after Craft Strike" (2009). Moscone Oral Histories. 223.
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