
John Muir


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Circa Date

circa 1863


When death has passed upon all when the [first] wind [and the powers of] winter & the fire have snow & the fire have killed & [broke] & [burned] & [ ] [all of [ ]] from the face of our earth. [When] [When] not a whisper is heard from the feeblist [feeblest] grass or most [ ] leaf but only death is seen with stronger most [grasping] gloom & desolation & blackness & ashes in rest then comes a [N] [north] beauty for ashes not in haste nor slowly, not boldly nor in fear the farmost cresting of that [mythic] wave of plant beauty which goes with the [grinding] & [ ] of God over all our [summer] land [we] will [love] the [ ][ ] arching sedge & the beautiful [Cal…]

we admire the hard strong oak that for ages has spoken to [ ] wind of the hill and the grand Osmunda in the [ ] [awful] [ ] his [glassy/glory] on the [ ] shade watered [hollow] the violet that can not see the sky & those hardy flowers [ ] of the fall that kick [ ] heart & [continue] [into] bloom when all beside so dying in sad [Autumn] [mornings] which make summer long among the first & solemn sounds & bloom as they can among [boss] [ ] [ ] broken [fading] friends & the sad departing [ ] & [ ] [ ] of winters but all the great [plants] & the [ ] & the delicate & beautiful [ ] all the fullest [ ] summer glory will make us [ ] the broad often lovely flower on the burned hillsides black naked hillside the hardy hopeful [ ] [ ] [N]

Resource Identifier

MuirReel31 Notebook04 Img005.jpg

Contributing Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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