Circa Date
circa 1863
broad apple tree form of growth where [house] the soil is very poor & unable to produce much grass the fire cannot go & we have groves of scrub oak again on the cool moist soil north sides of the hills adapted to the growth of hardy strong branching annuals. The fire proceeds with [ ] and the trees are now [memories] & tall & rise in smooth shafts to seek the light with a small [crown] of leaves Nothing can exceed the [completeness] of that deep desolation [when/where ]the grass is dry which is spread over these oak openings. There is sadness here in Autumn when leaves die lose their living [grips] & fall & when one by one the strongest of the [last] of the [groves] when the trees cease to [green/grow] & [lose] their [summer] [ ] when [the] [glossy] [sheets]
[land] [ ][ ][defense]
of the grass & the sedges arching leaves are [fallen] [broken] & the summer air takes leave with sad [wailings] touching every leaf in [farewell] [as] the hard winds of winter [turn] [harshly] the few last clinging leaves and shake [ ] [pass] [ ] snows have [ ] the [dried] but the desolation far greater when the [ ] of [ ] has passed [ ] [ ] [ ] is blackness & death not a [ ] life [survives] [the] ashes [like] [ ] [themselves] charred and [black] as [ ] [killed] as we [walk] the charred [ ] of the [grasses] & [ ] [ ] [sedges] are crisp [beneath] [ ] [ ] & [ ] a [ ] [ ] tree still [ ] & in [ ] [of] [ ] [exp…] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Resource Identifier
MuirReel31 Notebook04 Img004.jpg
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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