
& dusty orphaned evergreens.
No angles, a kind of mush the whole [town] to make individual [rows] of [ ] [hives] money & money changes.
Mortality those hungry have bread [here] [not] [ ]after [ ] [immortality]
Song squirrel
Friends didn’t know
Thermom [Thermometer] [sunrise] 37° [degrees].
[Scraps] of Yosem [Yosemite] frontal curve of N [north] Dome S [south] Dome gl pt [Glacier Point] Sent [sentinel] Dome [wash] [col].
Even [one] of [these] sunlight.
Earthquake boulders N [north] side curves & [ ] [ ] Laurel & live oak on S [south] side, wat [Watkins] like SD [South Dome] back. [ ] little of back seldom seen Lake [bottom] [Ascending] [Striae] both sides sketch: [granite] [river] set [from] [w] [West] [had/back] wat [Watkins].
Top [tower] Wat [Watkins] 8700
“ main [Back] 9000
“ “ W [west] [ ] 8300?
Lines in body [S]
Sketch: Lines in SD [South Dome], clvg [cleavage], SD [South Dome], Ten [Tenaya], [not], Hoff [Hoffmann]
Alt [altitude] [ ] [ ] [front] [Starr]
[King] [8800]
“ [Sadell] 8850
“ [top] [SD] [South Dome] [9200]?
Bot [bottom] Hoff can [Hoffmann Canyon] [near] [head] [cascades] 7200
Top 8700
Grand forest [ ] [ ] & [ ] [Clrk] [Lat] [&] [Med] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] forest foot – Hoff [Hoffmann] [ ] SW [Southwest]
[math equations]
Study sections
Date Written
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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