
Circa Date
There are only two distinct peaks the Big & Little Cameroon Mtns. [mountains]
Most striking when you first see it after coasting for weeks along the low shores & mangrove fringed rivers of the Niger Delta”
“My business never takes me up mountains.”
Colossal sweeps of color”
When I reached the SW [southwest] & I saw the South Atlantic down below like a plain of frosted silver. Out of it barely 20 ms [miles] away rose Fernando Po with that majestic grace peculiar to volcanic mountains.
Soon the white mists rose from the mangrove swamps & green rose color in the light of the setting sun as they swept upland over the now purple foothill forests & this mist sea rose toward
[me] changing to lavender color & was soon at my feet blotting out the [ ] world leaving only the two summits Cameroon & Fernando Po, then down came the rain”
Slippery Amomum Stems
To me it seems unthinkable that there can be anything more perfect in loveliness, majesty, color & charm (than this Cameroon region)
Resource Identifier
MuirReel33 Notebook09 Img020.Jpeg
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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