"Amazon Notes, etc., [ca. 1911-1912], Image 19" by John Muir


John Muir


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noblest trees with all their bravery of foliage & vines [etc]

Pistia stratiotes makes floating islands, some slowly swirling round & round in eddies

The great rollers of the Atlantic meeting here their first check since they left Cape Horn.

Natives say if you fire the grass too soon or when there is no wind you kill it outright. But if you wait until it is very dry you don’t kill it, because the grass grows in tufts from bulb-like roots, & when dry & this fire fanned by the [wind] it sweeps rapidly over it without heating the roots instead of [smouldering] long enough to kill them.

The happy cocksureness of stay at home suburban agnostics regarding God & the universe.

Mts [Mountains]

“The magnificent Mungo Mah Lobeh– the Throne of Thunder” The great peak of Cameroon 13,766 ft [feet] high, rising suddenly right up out of the sea while close at hand to westward towers the lovely island mass Fernando Po to 10,190 ft. Every time you pass it by its beauty grows on you with greater & greater force. Though it is never twice the same. Sometimes wreathed with indigo black clouds, sometimes softly gorgeous with gold green & rose- colored vapors tinted by the setting sun, sometimes crested with snow, sometimes completely wreathed in a dense cloud so that you can’t see it at all but when you once know it is there it is all the same & you bow down & worship.”

Resource Identifier

MuirReel33 Notebook09 Img019.Jpeg

Contributing Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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